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12 Softball Quotes to Pump Up Your Team

June 25, 2018

12 Softball Quotes to Pump Up Your Team

Does your softball team need a kick in the motivation? Share these softball quotes with them to pump them up!

There are many reasons why we're drawn to sports. Whether we're watching them or playing them, they teach us about the value of teamwork, motivation, and dedication.

They also inspire us to push our hardest and give 110%, even if we'd rather sit on the sidelines for a second. Arguably nowhere is this truer than in softball, where players leave it all on the field in hopes for a win. If your team members need a little motivation to play their hardest, you've come to the right spot. Today, we're taking a look at 12 softball quotes designed to inspire and encourage your players to perform.

Ready to get started? Let's go!

1. A Quote for Everyone

Do you have some players who are just starting out and learning the basics of softball? If so, ease their mind with this quote that explains we all have to start somewhere.

"In softball, it's not how good you are. It's how good you want to be." -- Author Unknown

2. One for Softball Enthusiasts

If you have players who eat, sleep and breathe the sport, show them this one to remind them there are others out there who call softball their life.

"Bruised, bloody, broken, all for this sport. I'll never hold back. I play it, love it and live it. Softball, my sport, my love, my life." -- Author Unknown

3. For the Little Girl Players

Show this next quote to all the little girls on your team, to remind them they can be anything they want to be, and softball can help them get there.

"Little girls now have a chance to look up and see women playing soccer, basketball, softball and now hockey, and know they can win a gold medal, too." -- Angela Ruggiero, American former ice hockey defenseman

4. A Classic from a Classic

One of the most well-loved and famous ballplayers of all time, the Great Bambino had a few words of wisdom for anyone planning to join the game. This quote is especially appropriate for any first-timers worried about stepping up to the mound.

"Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game." -- Babe Ruth

5. To Encourage a Team Spirit

Are you dealing with players who are more interested in achieving a personal best record than helping their teammates to victory? Here is a quote to remind them that softball is, and always has been, a team sport.

"Play for the name on the front of your jersey, not the name on the back." -- Author Unknown

6. For the New Coach

If you're a new coach, you might find yourself wondering how to motivate every player on your team to use his or her unique gifts and abilities. This quote speaks to the fact that everyone has potential, and you can help them discover it.

"Discover your gifts and let them shine! Softball is amazing that way as a sport. Everyone on the field has a slightly different ability that makes them perfect for their position." -- Jennie Finch, All-American, Olympian softball pitcher and first baseman

7. To Inspire Focus and Determination

There comes a time where even the most dedicated softball player can start to feel a little burnt out, especially when the season is going full-throttle and practices are intense. Remind your players to keep going and keep their eyes on the ball with this one.

"I am now, and will always be me. But when it comes time to step out onto that field, me gets a little more dedicated, a little more serious, and nobody stands in my way." -- Caitlin Sumpter, Catcher, Kansas

8. To Shut Down Any Naysayers

Have you dealt with any pushback from fans who'd rather watch a baseball game than a softball one? If so, quickly and kindly remind them that this important game is just as intense and entertaining, if not more so!

"If it were easy, they'd call it baseball." -- Author Unknown

9. To Remind Players Softball Can Take Them Places

Regardless of how young or old your players are, it's always helpful to remind them that any time you play a sport, you're helping to develop your character. You could also be setting yourself up for some pretty impressive next steps, like a career in the sport or a college scholarship to pursue it.

"Besides music, I was all school, school, school. And softball. I played the game since I was four, and I wanted to go to the Olympics for softball. I got a full scholarship through softball." -- Dawn Richard, American singer-songwriter

10. Right Before the Big Game

Your team has practiced all season for this one. They're prepared to give it their all, but they need just a little push to help them overcome their nerves. This quote will remind them that the competition might be fierce, but they are fiercer.

"We're going to step on the field knowing that every team we're going against is going to push their game to that whole new level. We've just got to be ready to step up with them." -- Crystl Bustos, Third Base, Olympian, Team USA

11. Encouraging a Fair Outlook

We all want to say something when an umpire's call doesn't go in our favor. Yet, part of softball is accepting those decisions and letting them shape you, not knock you down.

"In sport, part of the game is accepting the umpire's call, no matter how hard that might be. Sometimes the calls go your way, and sometimes they don't." - Dr. Dot Richardson, American physician, softball coach and former international player

12. A Quote to End All Practices On

The above quotes are meant to inspire your team to greatness, but perhaps no quote sums up the love of the game quite like this simple sentiment.

"It doesn't sparkle but I guard this diamond with my life." -- Author Unknown

Need More Than Softball Quotes?

Are you a softball coach looking to amp up your team spirit and give players and fans alike something to cheer about? Softball quotes are a great place to start, but you might need a little more than an inspirational saying to get you there. If so, we're here to help.

Our custom softball trading pins are the ideal way to represent your team and encourage your fan base. Contact us today and we'll start creating the perfect order. They're sure to be a home run at your next game!

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